Refering to my post on X-Men Origins: Wolverine which is here:
29 April is the opening day of this movie and i bet this could be one of the reason why the cinemas are so crowded today!! at least those cinemas in the east i saw. I even saw this son and daughter-in-law or daughter and son-in-law brought their mother to watch it. I thought that was quite cool. Even this old couple, with white hair and all were seen squeezing into the cinema just to catch this show.
I'm not much of a X-Men fan so i didn't read the comics or catch the cartoon. maybe many people out there are better judges than me but i think some might feel that the movie didn't do justice to the cartoons or comics. Think they changed the story a little. But I have to say here, sometimes making a movie out of comics or cartoon can be challenging. They just try to capture everything that's main point here. Sometimes if there are details that needs further and further elaboration, of course they will change that detail. just to make it easier to depict and that they can put it in film to bring across that point in merely 5 mins, let's say? So yups... it's still very much enjoyable for X-men or Marvel fans.
Just wanna let you guys know... stay a little while, maybe 2 mins after the credits roll in. there's something behind. Well.. there's always something behind for Marvel movies right?
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