Are you a Pepsi or Coke fan? Usually you are either one. Of course there's a group of people who don't care. But i wouldn't call them fans of anything.
Today i found out something. In a coffee shop or any F&B eating place, you can only be a coke supplier or a pepsi supplier. never both. So you cannot find a restaurant or coffee shop that sells both Pepsi and coke. usually they only have one or the other. I heard, not sure if it is true that you get extra money for selling per can of coke. So if coke knows you are selling pepsi, they will not let you sell their drink.
not sure if it is true. food for thought
yup thats true!
and you see for the fridges that are supplied by coke, not supposed to store other brands' drinks too.
True that. Pepsi sellers carry Yeo's related drinks too.
And in a blind sip taste test, people tend to prefer Pepsi to Coca Cola. However if the blind test were to extend to finishing an entire can of drink, more people would choose Coca Cola over Pepsi. Reason being Pepsi is somewhat sweeter. Or something along that line. Can't remember exactly the details or where I've read it.
Oh sorry for the ramblings, missed the point completely. I like the real thing. :)
oh pepsi doesn't have a company in singapore. so pepsi is actually distributed by Yeo Hup Seng, thats why you see Yeo's drinks in pepsi fridges! haha
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