Saturday, December 31, 2011

Project 365: red vs green.

so yes, as we welcome the new year, we have decided to embark on Project 365: red vs green! =)

being in line with our blog theme, everyday for the next 365 days, we will be posting something related to red (for leona) and green (for me). hopefully we'll be able to persevere for the whole year! so do follow and support us! =)

happy 2012!! =)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Something's brewing

Have you heard?

Kick Off 2012 with Project 365

by Erica Johnson

If you were going to blog about one thing for an entire year, what would you choose?

we are inspired by this to kickstart the blog again. It is the time of the year to write new resolutions, start a new project, take new risks and have a brand new start. What better way to bring redstripesgreencircles back, than a brand new 2012 with a new project to work on?

Stay tuned.