This time, Wild Rice presents a provocative spin on this comic masterpiece by casting an ALL-MALE ensemble in smart suits, revealing new insights into Wilde's comedy about courtship, hidden identities and the foibles of high society.
The play is directed by Glen Goei. The cast include Ivan Heng, Hossan Leong, Chua Enlai, Gavin Yap, Crispian Chan and international talent Daniel York from London, as well as Brendon Fernandez and Zahim Albakri from KL. There was also live musical accompaniment by T'ang Quartet. They appeared on stage to perform at the start, during the interval and at the end. Thought it was a refreshing addition to a play.
Not sure if you have read/heard about the story before. I'm not very well-read so i definitely didn't know the story prior to the play. I happily decided to go for the play purely for a good laugh. The twist at the end was indeed very surprising for me! I liked the play =)
There was a post-show dialogue session with the director and the cast which i stayed back for! Glen shared that he wanted to keep the spirit of Oscar Wilde in this play and that was also why he decided to use an all-male cast. However, the intention was nothing gay. Personally, i really didn't feel anything gay about the play despite some of the actors having to be in drag and pecks on the cheeks. I also agree that the NC-16 rating was not necessary.
I noticed the use of only black and white for the sets and the costumes and this was brought up during the dialogue session. Glen explained the reason for using such a colour scheme was because the story itself was already so colourful so he didn't want bright stage colours to mask the vibrancy of the story.
It was good to watch 2 productions within the short span of less than a week. and both were very different! i enjoyed the importance of being earnest but i guess i preferred kumar more. haha. nonetheless, i look forward to more productions! like what Glen says, it's good to pamper yourself with artistic indulgence. and yes, i agree! but i wish i had more money to support my indulgence =)
The Importance of Being Earnest is still showing till 11 Apr. Can go get tickets at http://www.sistic.com.sg/
1 comment:
Did you know?
The play holds a parodic mirror up to 19th century Victorian conventions to expose the moral hypocrisy of a shallow and judgemental society, this also extends to views on issues on sexuality.
Outstanding production- a reminder that modern society is no less hypocritical than it was in an age we now condemn as old-fashioned.
Tickets at $39 to $69
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