Monday, April 6, 2009

comfort food

everyone has their own comfort food. Comfort food makes you happy, calms you and gives you this fuzzy feeling inside. some munch on a bar of chocolate when they are stressed, some like the familiarity a plate of cha kway teow brings. some army boys look forward to that macdonalds meal with coke after book out; for the slightly mature, maybe a bowl of sweet potato porridge is very comforting.

of course for a foodie like me, i have my own comfort foods too. and today i would like to share some of these food that never fail to give me that warm feeling which leaves a little smile behind each and every time.

1) Milo.
A cup of this rich malty drink on a lousy day will cheer me up immediately. i guess any of my close friends would know how much of a milo lover i am =)

2) Cornflakes with milk.
Its very breakfasty. but sometimes i do take it as an afternoon snack or for supper too. i guess the fuzzy feeling from eating cornflakes with milk comes from memories of our childhood, where everything was so carefree and innocent.

3) Chicken Rice
Yes i know this is quite an off item on the list. but seriously, eating chicken rice is very comforting for me. somehow there's this unexplainable feeling. i really like chicken rice. it just reminds you
of home. this is definitely the no.1 local food i'll miss most if i were to go abroad...
photo credits from flickr.

4) Homemade soup
Especially the piping hot ones. i grew up having homemade soups almost everyday. my grandma would boil different chinese soups everyday. there's lotus soup, ABC soup (potato+carrot+meat soup), black herbal chicken, spinach, wintermelon, sweet corn, mushroom etc etc. many different types! if only i was more into cooking.. haha. well, leona has been learning to make soups so yah, watch out for recipes for homemade soups here! =)

5) Bread with peanut butter (sorry can't find a nice picture of this.)
i'm sure many of you will share the same sentiments with me for this one. =) simple yet very heartwarming.

these are the top 5 foods that comfort me.
what about your comfort foods?


Anonymous said...

I heart peanut butter and cornflakes!!

Esp creamy peanut butter, not crunchy. And plain Kellogg's cornflakes.

I am anal, I know. As usual.


redstripesgreencircles said...

i prefer the frosted one with plain milk actually! or plain cornflakes with milo! best combi! =) you should try it next time!