Thursday, April 16, 2009


i'm sure some of you would have come across the latest MCYS ads on family. everyone on blogosphere seems to be talking about it. let me jump on the bandwagon too. well, here are the ads. very touching and pulls at one's heartstrings. =] but most importantly, the message about family is something close to my heart.

with our busy and self centred lifestyles, these ads were good reminders for us to stop in our tracks and to spend some quality time with the most important people around you. as cliche as it is, learn to treasure before its too late.

personally i know how difficult it is. especially when we have vastly different views from our parents. more often than not, i tend to take my parents for granted, speaking very rudely to them. i dont know about you, but somehow i just find it so difficult to openly express my love and concern to them even though i want to. perhaps its the conservative asian environment we are brought up in.

i'm not trying to say we should now all go saint and be angels to our parents. i guess just spending alittle more time, having more dinners together, talking and listening to them talk about life are little gestures we can do to show our appreciation. i guess i'm gonna start today by clearing the dustbin voluntarily later and to try talking alittle less harshly. haha!

on an ending note, i came across this website some food for thought :) couldnt help tear abit while watching the slideshow. hope it touches you too! =)


Shar (: said...

thanks monics... the videos are really touching... and the comments u made after the videos... i almost cried.. :)

RSGC said...

hi sharine, thanks for your comments! im glad the post touched you =)