Monday, December 10, 2012


if you follow my posts closely, you probably would be able to know me pretty well, my likes and dislikes. there are that few topics that I keep blogging about and one of that being travelling!

well I love travelling and wish I had a job that allows me to travel the world. yah did consider the possibility of applying to be a cabin crew but I don't think I'm cut out to be one. not pretty. not patient, not bimbo enough. my current dream job is to be a travel show host but well, I have no idea how to go about fulfilling it. maybe a miracle might happen when I wake up one day and i land myself in this job *dreams*

I've been wanting to start a travel blog for the longest time but well as with all of stuff, I'm always lazy! and I procrastinate. hmm maybe after project 365 ceases, I shall consider!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try Everlater! It's a travel blog in yor phone! You can add photos and thoughts then upload them when u have a wifi connection. ;)

Try the free Everlater App.