Monday, April 9, 2012


bought a massage deal on one random afternoon when my friend said she wanted one. and only after I made my purchase that i started being afraid of what kinda deal I got myself into. firstly, the spa name sounds pretty dubious. and most spas usually offer the common Thai, Javanese or Swedish massage. don't really hear much about myanmar massage.

so anyway I got both of us the deal and made the booking. was supposed to go together but my friend was held up with work commitments so headed to the massage myself! it turned out to be pretty good =) the place was small but comfortable and relaxing. i even had some value added service! haha! i was ALMOST swayed into purchasing a package from them but fortunately the rational sensible voice in me reigns! bet the lady boss must be very disappointed and thinking what a cheapo I am. who cares! i think i still prefer to have my massages in thailand or batam. so much cheaper!

i really love massages! wish i could lead a tai tai lifestyle and be pampered with spas and massages on a regular basis!

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