Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Almost coming to the end (319/365)

The dragon year is coming to an end soon, just like the project 365. before we know it, the year of snake will be here. come to think of it, dragon and snake look almost similar, just the dragon being a myth as the most powerful creature on earth, has legs. 画蛇添足 = dragon. Haha!

Anyway, dragon year has been a year of alot of babies. Chinese being Chinese are still very superstitious about dragon babies being auspicious or lucky? Even weddings, i heard! Alot of people are choosing to get married in the year of dragon so to avoid the year of snake. But i, on the other hand, am super looking forward to the year of the snake. cos i am getting married! who cares about what year is it. it's 2013!

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