Tuesday, March 13, 2012

O'Bean Soya Milk (73/365)

this cup of soya bean is no ordinary cup of soya bean. it's o'bean organic soya drink and if you haven't heard of it. now you should! it's rich, tasty, safe and healthy!

Signature Soya is only S$1.20 a cup, they also serve Bird Nest Soya, Almond Soya,Red Bean Soya, Ginger Soya, and very refreshing tea drinks like Oolong Tea Soya, Black Tea Soya, Red Tea Soya and Green Tea Soya. Or, if you prefer Icy cold, ice blended Smoothie, at O’bean, they have, Banana Soya Smoothie, Mango Soya Smoothie, and also 2 in 1 Cocoa + Banana Soya Smoothie. All their drinks can top up with our sweet, soft and chewy Pearls, Grass Jelly or Red Beans.

O'bean is very different. thery are 100% organic from cultivation to production, no preservative, no chemical substances added. And if you drink it and love it, you can even buy a packet to go home and make yourself. It's packed in sachets.

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